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Prices and shipping options

1 - Prices

2 - Ordering information

  • Order deadline: 3pm GMT+1 (Europe/Paris, CET)
  • Order processing time: 0-1 working days
  • Delivery time: 1-5 working days

3 - Additional Shipping Costs

Please note that some items, due to their weight or size, may incur additional shipping charges.

4 - Information on shipping times

Shipping times for each item are explicitly mentioned on the product page, positioned just below the "Add to cart" button. Shipping times may vary according to the product selected and also according to the size selected.
It is therefore important to note that each time you select a size for a product the corresponding shipping time will be automatically updated and displayed under the "Add to cart" button.

5 - Customs tariff information

You may be charged customs duties and taxes for a product you have purchased on our site. These taxes may depend on where your order is shipped, the type of items you have purchased, their value and the weight of the package.
Different countries may have different tax policies regarding specific products. To avoid any unforeseen surprises, please pay attention to the following:

  • Contact your local post office or customs office to find out more about customs duties and taxes in your country.
  • Import duties, taxes or other customs charges are normally collected by the transport company on delivery.
  • Import duties are not our responsibility. We will not cover nor reimburse customs duties or specific taxes.
  • We will not be held responsible for delays caused by your country's customs authorities.

6 - Delivery to Colissimo collection point.

  • Choose Colissimo collection point delivery: When you choose the delivery method for your order, you have the option of choosing delivery to a collection point. Collection points are often located in local shops giving you flexibility in the way you receive your order.
  • Select collection point: Then choose the collection point that suits you best. It can be close to your home, your workplace, or anywhere else that's convenient for you.
  • Delivery notification: As soon as your order has been delivered to your chosen collection point, you will receive an automatic email from Colissimo. This email contains important information, including your order tracking number.
  • Order pick-up: To collect your package from the collection point you'll need to bring your ID and the tracking number you received by email. This procedure ensures that the order is delivered to the right person.
  • Third-party collection: If you are unable to collect your package yourself, you may designate another person to do so on your behalf. This person must come to the collection point with a written letter from you authorizing him/her to collect the parcel, his/her own ID, and a copy of yours.

7 - Track your order

Below you will find a list of websites where you can follow the progress of your order: